Problem Activating Webroot Antivirus

  • There has been an issue faced by Webroot user, even after entering the key multiple times the antivirus doesn’t seem to get activated. In the following process users have gone through various errors and changes in the antivirus. The steps are not much complicated for activation but due to some technical issues it might sometimes make it hard to get activated. There is not to worry about a thing because we have solution for users in the current situation. We will be providing all the necessary steps activate users Webroot antivirus.
    • Simply open your Webroot program.
    • Next users must locate for the gear icon and click on it which is located next to my account.
    • User will have the keycode with them. In the Activate keycode field enter the keycode and click on activate.
    • Next check if the scan begins automatically. If yes than allow to complete the process.
    With the following steps user will be able to activate their antivirus and start scanning their system again. If these sorts of issues are faced again by users than feel free to call us at our Technical Support Team 1-800-850-9663.
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