McAfee Firewall Issues

  • In the recent update for the McAfee there was a minor issue which was faced by almost every users and they are having issue with Firewall. Due to some reason users are not able to makes changes or the firewall is not working as it used to work in the normal days. There is no reason for users to get tensed as we are here to provide all the necessary details and information about McAfee and the ways to solve with Firewall issues. Kindly go through the points mentioned below.
    • Open the McAfee software in your computer.
    • Next head to the PC security. There will be a gear icon on the right top side.
    • Then head for firewall.
    • Next click on Turn on and off.
    • Reboot your device and check if the issue is still there.
    With the following instructions user will have proper knowledge with the working of McAfee and the working of the Firewall. If there are any confusion or other related questions about McAfee, then feel free to get our Support at 1-800-850-9663.
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