Bigpond Email forwarding not working?

  • Email service is a very useful medium by which we as a user will be able to transfer messages from one point to another. In the earlier days,we used to send a letter to communicate with people who are far away, and it used to take several days until the letter was delivered. Now with the help of technology,we can use email service by which messages can be transferred instantly.We suggest users check on the Bigpond email service to work on their emailtask, there isa number of features that can be operated to enhance the email experience. If the user is willing to operate the services and looking for a place to learn them then give us a ring at Support Service.
    Email forwarding is a feature in which a user is able to send a particular email to multiple users. It would be a boring job to compose an email for all the users with common content. With the email forwarding feature,the user will be able to transfer the emails to multiple users. While using the feature user did face some issues where the email forwarding was not working, now such a case does occur if the email account is not entered correctly, the user will have to check on the entered email address correctly then forward the email. If the solution does not work for users then kindly report the situation at Technical Support. The expert will provide the user with other instructions which will allow the user to forward emails without any issue.

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