Quota Type: Bytes in the Bigpond Mailbox Error

  • Bigpond email services have an indomitable presence in the Australian messaging and email industry. This webmail has transformed the scenario of mailing and messaging activities. But as we know it, it's a software-based service, so glitches will come naturally. Sometimes, when there is server maintenance and migration take place, there can be an instance of Quota Type: Bytes in the Bigpond Mailbox Error coming to the email. Because of such causes you may not use the email. Now, here is the rectifying the Bigpond mailbox error: -

    • Users need to verify whether the problem is about server migration or not
    • Now, email subscribers need to edit the view to advanced and verify the object’s feature
    • After that, subscribers need to go to Properties and open Attributes Editor.
    • Inside the Editor, the mail subscriber needs to detect mDBUseDefaults and keep the Value as False.

    Usually, when making these modifications, the Bytes in the Bigpond Mailbox Error doesn’t appear again, and it becomes solved. However, for a detailed solution and other methods of fixation of the error, kindly head to the Bigpond Support Service Number and expect positive results.

    More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-care-melbourne/

    More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-support-australia/
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