Conrad Is Following

Posted by RienKelsoCinema
Pseiko Psinema Productions Presents "Conrad Is Following" Created by Rïén Kelso Starring: Rïén Kelso Jennifer Mones
Posted March 11, 2012
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  • movieguru88
    movieguru88 Here are the problems I have with this short film: 1.) SILENT MOVIE!!?? - Granted creative, but with the supposed plot that's going on I'm having trouble interpreting the situations. Dianne only says two lines and that's it. 2.) The Characters - Both Con...  more
    March 27, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • RienKelsoCinema
    RienKelsoCinema Thank you very much for your feedback. I understand the weaknesses in this film as I am trying to get better. I hope things pick up, I am a beginner with a long way to go.
    April 12, 2012